Errata and Retractions Policy

Perspectivas Contemporâneas journal adopts procedures for recording and publishing errata, retractions and expressions of concern based on the guidelines of the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE) and SciELO.

In case of need for corrections, revisions or retractions in originals, these should be sent in writing to the email address


Errata - The Editorial Team may publish errata when the article has typographical or layout errors, or it is necessary to correct the title of the article and name of the author(s).

Retraction - A retraction is a public tool for recording problems with a published article (partial retraction) or communicating its cancellation (full retraction). In any case, the retracted article, partially or totally, will not be deleted from the journal.

The Editorial Team may retract the article when it has clear evidence that the research findings are unreliable, either as a result of a robust error (e.g., miscalculation or grammatical error), or as a result of fabrication (e.g. data) or spoofing (e.g. image manipulation); there is plagiarism, self-plagiarism or redundant publication; research findings have been previously published elsewhere and there is no citation, notice to editors, permission to republish, or justification; the article contains information or materials without authorization for use; the copyright is infringed or there is some other relevant legal issue (for example, the use of images without permission); the article presents unethical research; the article was published based on a compromised or manipulated peer review; the authors do not communicate a material conflict of interest that, in the editors' perspective, has unduly affected the interpretations of the manuscript or the recommendations of the editors and reviewers.

Expression of Concern - The Editorial Team will issue expressions of concern when there are concerns about the reliability of an article, but insufficient information is available to justify a retraction.