Decision-making supported by reverse logistics concepts in the post-consumption channel




Ethic, Flow of information, Pharmaceutical industry, National Solid Waste Policy, Reverse logistics systems


In this article, several topics were addressed, highlighting the relevance of information in organizational decisions. Identified information gap in reverse logistics activities and decisions related to the return of products to their point of origin, this study investigated which information generated in the post-consumption channel, pharmaceutical industries located in the state of Paraná, consider relevant in decision making. The research assumed a qualitative characteristic in relation to the methodological purposes, a factor that made it possible to interpret the data obtained. As for the investigative methods, the case study was adopted, covering two companies that agreed to participate, identified as company A (from the interior of Paraná) and company B (from the capital). For data collection, a questionnaire was applied by e-mail, using the Google Forms® platform as a basis, which provided data extraction and processing, using content analysis as a technique. As a technological resource, ATLAS.TI® software was used, as well as Excel® software for tabulation and interpretation of data. With this, the researchers concluded that the decisions, involving information related to the reverse flow of medicines located in the post-consumption in pharmaceutical industries of Paraná that participated in the research, are supported by different mechanisms, among them are the information systems, responsible for processing data related to current legislation, the costs of each reverse logistics process, in which the decision maker adds ethics as a guide in his decision making.

Author Biographies

Arnaldo Luis Darg Moreira Moreira, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Master in Information Management from the Federal University of Parana (UFPR), specialist in Teaching in Higher Education from Cidade Verde College (2019), graduated in Management Processes from Leonardo da Vinci University Center (2016) and Technician in Occupational Safety by CE Dr. Decio Dossi (2008). Professor of content of the Araucária Educational College (FACEAR) institution, in which I obtained experience with virtual environment and distance learning courses, with emphasis on Quality Management, People Management, Management Processes, Production Management and Occupational Safety.


Edelvino Razzolini Filho, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Bachelor's degree in Administration from the Federal University of Paraná, Master's and PhD in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Interim Academic Director and Coordinator of Distance Education courses at the University Center of Education, Science and Technology of Paraná - UniEnsino (Bachelor in Administration - CST in Human Resources Management - CST in Management Processes) member of the Núcleo Docente Estruturante - NDE of the three courses. Professor and Researcher of the Graduate Program, Professional Master's Degree, in Risk and Disaster Management, of UniEnsino. Associate Professor (retired) at the Federal University of Paraná and Researcher at the Department of Information Science and Management - DECIGI, and professor of the Permanent Staff of the Graduate Program in Information Management - PPGGI-UFPR.




How to Cite

Moreira, A. L. D. M., & Razzolini Filho, E. . (2023). Decision-making supported by reverse logistics concepts in the post-consumption channel. Perspectivas Contemporâneas - Contemporary Perspectives, 18(1), 1–25.



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