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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article file complies with the TEMPLATE with the standard formatting of Perspectivas Contemporâneas journal.
  • The DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP will be sent together with the article, in a separate file.
  • The article will be sent in the file format of the Microsoft Office Word program.
  • The formatting of the article was carried out as described in the guidelines for the author, found in the "About" section of the journal.
  • All "URL" addresses in the text (eg are active.
  • The authors assure that they will correctly fill the journal's electronic form when submitting their work. Therefore, the person responsible for submitting the article must include the data of each author (including supervisor and/or co-supervisor), clicking on the "include author" icon. We inform you that in articles with co-authorship (more than one author), if they are not registered at the time of article submission, they will not appear in the metadata and search engines of the journal’s repositories and indexers (summary) at the time of publication.
  • The authors assure that they will follow the processing of the article through the electronic address of the journal. The article will be evaluated by the journal's editorial board and submitted for evaluation to two reviewers. The works will be published in the order of acceptance by the journal and not of receipt.

Author Guidelines


Perspectivas Contemporâneas is an open access scientific journal  without fees for readers and authors. The costs are funded by the Integrado Institute of Science and Technology - IN2 and free of article processing charges (APCs), therefore, it  is a free article submission and publication process.



The average period for carrying out the desk review of the article by the Editorial Team is 30 days;

The average period of evaluation of articles by reviewers (double blind peer review) is 120 days;

The average period for publication of the article is 30 days after its approval.

Only when the deadlines above have been exceeded will the query emails about the progress of the evaluation be answered.



Together with the submission of the article, the authors must send the DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP, in a separate file.





The article file must be submitted using the TEMPLATE with the standard format of Perspectivas Contemporâneas journal.

TEMPLATE  in portuguese language

TEMPLATE  in english language



The article must contain the following format:

File format:

The article must be sent in Microsoft Office Word file format.


It should be prepared on A4 size sheet (210mm x 297mm), with upper and left margins of 3cm and lower and right margins of 2cm.

Letter font:

The font must be Arial size 12 and space between lines of 1.5 cm throughout the work, except: abstract and keywords that must appear with font size 9 and space between single lines and legends, which must be inserted with font size 10 and single line spacing. Latin and English words (except the abstract) must be written in italics.

Page numbering:

Page numbering must appear in the lower  right corner, starting with the title page. The work must contain a maximum of 30 pages.



Authors name:

The name(s) of the author(s) must be accompanied by a brief CV that qualifies him/her in the area of knowledge of the article. The curriculum, as well as the postal and electronic addresses, must appear only in the author's registration.

 With regard to the number of authors per article, the submission of works with a maximum of 5 (five) authors will be allowed.

 They must not contain information about the authors of the work to be submitted.

ORCID Identifier:

The ORCID can be obtained from the ORCID registry. The author must accept the ORCID iD submission standards and include the full URL (for example:

Institution(s) of each author:

It is recommended that the hierarchical units are presented in descending order, for example, university, faculty and department, preceded by superscript indicative numbers.



It should cover the following topics:


Title should be short and informative without abbreviations, written in capital letters and bold fonts.


The abstract must clearly present the objectives, methodology, results and conclusions. Its length must be between 100 and 250 words, written in a single paragraph with single line spacing (NBR 6028).


There should be three to five words that clearly express the content of the article. They must be preceded by the term: Keywords.



It must comply with the criteria of each category, according to the available instructions on focus and scope.


Articles written in Portuguese, Spanish or American English will be accepted.

Titles and subtitles:

Section titles must be written in capital letters, while subtitles must contain only the initial capital letters. Section titles must be separated from the preceding text by one line.

Tables and Charts:

Tables and charts should be inserted as close as possible to the text in which they are mentioned. The title must appear above the table and/or chart and be preceded by the word Table and its serial number in the text (in Arabic numerals). There must be a space of one line between the text and the table and/or frame. The captions must appear below the table and/or chart, with font size 10 and single space between lines. Tables must be understandable and self-explanatory. Abbreviations must be defined in the legends.

Illustrations and photos:

Illustrations and photos must be inserted as close as possible to the text in which they are mentioned. The title must be located below the figures, preceded by the word Figure and its serial number in the text (in Arabic numerals). There must be a space of one line between the text and the figure. Define all abbreviations and symbols used in the figure, even if they are defined in the text.

Illustrations and photos must be pasted in the text with good quality resolution, and also sent in separate files, in .jpg format.


All references must be cited in the text. The system adopted by the journal is the author-date system, made by indicating the last name of each author or the name of each responsible entity up to the first punctuation mark, followed by the date of publication of the document and the page(s) of the citation, in the case of direct citation, separated by commas and between parentheses.

Example I: For Gramsci (1978), a conception of the world....

Example II: Treating social facts as a “thing” is an intellectual posture that aims at the neutrality of scientific knowledge. (DURKHEIM, 1992)

Example III: Currently 65% of mining industries aim at export and international competitiveness. (NATIONAL CONFEDERATION OF INDÚSTRIA, 1993).


They should NOT contain footnotes in the article. Explanatory notes must be written in Arabic numerals and may be listed at the end of the article.


Abbreviations, Identification Keys, Symbols and Units: Define all abbreviations in the legends of figures, tables and charts. The title and abstract should not contain abbreviations. In the text the abbreviations should only be used after they have been cited in full.


Acknowledgments should be brief and related to technical assistance, opinions, as well as financial support for research and scholarships.



Bibliographical references must be typed in alphabetical order after the acknowledgments section, gathered at the end of the work. Calls in the text must comply with the form adopted in the reference, in accordance with NBR 6023.


 Journal Article:

BALESTRIN, A.; VARGAS, L.M.; FAYARD, P. C. Criação de conhecimento nas redes de cooperação interorganizacional. RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas, São Paulo, v. 45, n. 3, p. 52-64, jul./set. 2005.


CHIAVENATO, I. Recursos humanos: o capital humano das organizações. São Paulo: Atlas, 2004.

 Book Chapter:

BARBIERI, J. C.; ÁLVARES, A. C. Inovações nas organizações empresariais. In: BARBIERI, J. C. (Org.). Organizações inovadoras: estudos e casos brasileiros. Rio de Janeiro: FGV, 2003. p. 41-63.

 Work presented at an event:

RAMOS, H. D.; CHAGAS, S. R. R. Análise de viabilidade de escola-hotel para a cidade de Arapongas. In: ENCONTRO DE ATIVIDADES CIENTÍFICAS DA UNOPAR, 3., 2000, Londrina. Anais... Londrina: UNOPAR, 2000. p. 15


CARDOSO JUNIOR, W. F. A inteligência competitiva aplicada nas organizações do conhecimento como modelo de inteligência empresarial para implementação e gestão de novos negócios. 2003. 209f. Tese (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção) Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina.

 Electronic document:

BISPO, Patrícia. Liderar na era do conhecimento. Disponível em: Acesso em: 06 out. 2004.

 Unpublished article or book:

When citing an article or book accepted for publication but not yet published, include all the necessary data and at the end of the reference write, in parentheses, the term: in press.

 Informal communications (verbal information):

Mention the available data in a note, and indicate in parentheses the expression: verbal information.

 Moving image:

Includes movies, VCRs, DVDs, and more. The following elements must appear: title, director, location, producer, date and specification of the medium in physical units.


 OS PERIGOS do uso de tóxicos. Produção de Jorge Ramos de Andrade. São Paulo: CERAVI, 1988. 1 videotape

 CENTRAL do Brasil. Direção: Walter Salles Júnior. Produção: Martire de Ciermont-Tonerre e Arthur Cohn. Intérpretes: Fernanda Montenegro; Marília Pêra; Vinicius de Oliveira; Sônia Lira; Othon Bastos; Matheus Nachtergaele e outros. Roteiro: Marcos Bernstein, João Emanuel Carneiro e Walter Salles Júnior. [S.I]: Le Studio Canal; Riofilmes; MACT Production, 1998. 1 bobina cinematográfica (106 minutos), son., color., 35mm.

 Iconographic Document:

It includes painting, engraving, illustration, photography, technical drawing, device, filmstrip, stereographic material, transparency, posters, among others. The following elements must appear: author, title (when it does not exist, a name or the indication [Untitled] between square brackets must be assigned), date and specification of the medium.


 KOBAYASHI, K. Doença dos Xavantes, 1980, 1 fotografia.

 FRAIPONT, E. Amílcar II. O Estado de São Paulo. São Paulo, 30 nov. 1998, Caderno 2, Visuais, p. D2. 1 fotografia, p&b. Foto apresentada no Projeto ABRA/Coca-cola.

 MATTOS, M.D. Paisagem-Quatro Barras. 1987. 1 original de arte, óleo sobre tela, 40 X 50cm. Coleção particular.

 If the iconographic document is available electronically:

 VASO. TIFF. 1999. Altura: 1083 pixels. Largura: 827 pixels. 300 dpi. 51 Kb. Formato JPEG. 1 disquete.

 VASO. TIFF. 1999. Altura: 1083 pixels. Largura: 827 pixels. 300 dpi. 51 Kb. Disponível em: , acessado em: 28 out.1999.



Complete Article or Original Article

The complete article must contain Title and Subtitle, Abstract and Keywords, with Portuguese and English versions; Introduction; Method; Results and Discussion; Final Considerations (with conclusion); Bibliographic References.

Short Communication

Short Communications are reports on a single subject that must be concise but complete. A Short Communication must not be divided into sections (Introduction, Method, etc.) and must contain Title and Subtitle, Abstract and Keywords, with versions in Portuguese and English; text that does not exceed 9 pages, excluding Bibliographical References, a maximum of 2 figures or 2 tables.

Education in the 21st Century

The Education in the 21st Century section is dedicated to education writings that help to think about the difficulties, scope and training of professionals in the field of Applied Social Sciences. In this section, we seek to open a space for dialogue and new perspectives for higher education in Brazil. Articles sent to this section must contain Title and Subtitle, Abstract and Keywords, with versions in Portuguese and English; Introduction; Method; Results and discussion; Final Considerations (with conclusion); Bibliographic references.

Teaching Case

Teaching cases must be real facts based on field work in the companies approached in the case. A relevant criterion for analysis will be how current the submitted case is, and studies carried out over 36 months are not encouraged. The main objective of the teaching cases is didactic, and should be focused on:

  • Presentation of the nature of the organizational situation in question.
  • Description of the facts that consolidate such a situation in the organization..
  • Brief presentation of the didactic objectives of the case.
  • Brief description of how to obtain the data that make up the case.
  • The indication of the public who would make the best use of the case.

Teaching cases should begin with a description of the situation and should not have author citations. The description of the Teaching Case should not have bibliographical references, only, references to the data sources necessary for its construction. They should appear only in the Teaching Notes, during the brief literature review and/or when recommending readings relevant to the situation described in the case. Subsequently, the teaching notes are presented, which are composed of:

  • Title and Subtitle, Abstract and Keywords, with versions in Portuguese and English;
  • Didactic objectives: what topics will be worked on in class in which the case will be used? What subjects/themes does the case fit into? Level of students/participants for whom the case is intended (undergraduate? master's? executive training?).
  • Discussion Questions with Answers.
  • Suggestion for a teaching plan.
  • Brief literature review.
  • Discussion (or Case Analysis).
  • Bibliographic indications, in case the author wants to recommend relevant readings with the situation described in the case.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.